Artificial Archeology

A choreographic project by
CBC – Christine Bonansea Company

Artificial Archeology

A choreographic project by CBC – Christine Bonansea Company 

D e s c r i p t i o n

 Artificial Archeology is an immersive and interactive performance piece developed by Christine Saulut Bonansea in collaboration with Lucas Kuzma. Inspired by archeology, the artists manipulate the principles of supersymmetry and metrics to provide the audience with an altered perception and an experiential journey through the vast dimensions of space-time. The artwork explores choreographic expression with different media in AI generative 3D animations,
LIDAR scanning technology and electronic music composition.
Artificial Archeology boldly attempts to deconstruct conventional postulates. As we navigate through the piece, we become participants in a realm where temporal boundaries dissolve and artificial time crumbles before our eyes, revealing the limitless possibilities beyond and a shared space of possibilities.
The unfolding of Artificial Archaeology invites us to question the nature of our temporal existence and provokes a self-reflection on our place in the complicated fabric of human history.

  • Performing Dates


    12-15. 09. 2024, DOCK11 Berlin

  • Video Links



    (password: yugen)

  • Touring Cast

    Local Crew: 1 tech support/ technician from the Festival / venue.

    > Light and video mapping.

September 28.09, 2023, DOCK 11, Berlin.


General Audience:
Production: CBC – Christine Bonansea Company

Presenter partner:
Co-production with DOCK ART, funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe
> Redemption performance DOCK11, September 2024

Choreography and direction: 
Christine Bonansea Saulut

Dance Performance: 
Christine Bonansea Saulut

Media design and programmer: 
Lucas Kuzma

Music Composition: 
Lucas Kuzma
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